About the Association

Nordic Ice Cream Association

North Europe has 32 million inhabitants and represent a big part of the European ice cream market, approx.190 million litres (Eurostat). So there are many ice cream lovers around in the region and they enjoy their “is”, “iskrem”, “glass”, “jäätelö”, “jäätis”, “ledai” or “saldejums” all year round and contribute to the high per capita consumption.

The Nordic Ice Cream Association is open for registered companies or associations in Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway or Sweden that manufactures ice cream and/or market ice cream products in these countries. It was founded in February 2019 and currently have nine members.

Our purpose

The Association is a member of the European ice cream association Euroglaces. The objective of the Association is Promote and maintain fair competition of the ice cream industry in nordic Europe and promote the common interest in the of the ice cream industry. Through information and educational activities increase the knowledge and confidence in ice cream and ice cream manufacturing. Continually inform members about the legislation likely to affect their businesses and represent the industry in relation to government and municipal authorities, organizations, companies and individuals.

So if you run a registered company producing ice cream our association is relevant for you. The Nordic Ice Cream Association will help you with industry related and food legislation questions big or small we will engage in common interests when relevant with EU and local Governments and authorities.

However, Nordic Ice Cream Association do not engage in employer questions – for those, please contact the employer organisation for Food and Drink companies in your country.


Since 1961 the voice & leading organization for European based industrial ice cream companies. Located in Brussels.

• Small, medium-sized and large enterprises
• Branded and private label manufacturers

• To create an optimal regulatory environment for European based ice cream companies
• To build a common industry view on a wide array of non-competitive ice cream specific issues
• To promote the sector’s interest towards policy makers and external stakeholders

Ice cream market

The Nordic countries has 27 million inhabitants and represent a big part of the European ice cream market – approx.200 million litres.
It was founded in February 2019 and currently have twelve members.


  2020 2021 2022  2023
Sweden + Norway: Million litre 304 149 148 138
Sweden + Norway: Impulse singles, million pieces 235 200 163  
Employees   1500    

In Sweden the Swedish Board of agriculture compile data on consumption of ice cream per capita